Pomontino 2021
Montefalco Rosso 2021 DOC
The first part of the season was characterized by abundant rainfall and temperatures in line with the winter trend, with the arrival of spring the vegetative awakening was characterized by temperatures below average and abundant rainfall.
After having averted also a risk of late frosts, in the month of May the temperatures returned stable in line with the seasonal trend. Certainly the abundant rainfall allowed us to have vineyards with an excellent vegetative thrust and a phenological growth balanced in ways and times.
With the beginning of June, high pressure arrived, bringing high temperatures and a lack of rain, continuing until mid-July. However, spring temperatures and abundant rain were essential to maintain a good water balance in our vineyards. In the second part of July, temperatures were partly mitigated by two disturbances, which allowed the vines to overcome water and thermal stress.
The month of August was fundamental to bring our vineyards and our grapes to the best conditions for the harvest, in fact, the month was characterized by very hot days but also by excellent night-time temperature variations.
Having reached the middle of September, our harvest began and ended in the first week of October. The harvested grapes were in excellent health, characterized by a very balanced technological and phenolic maturation. Once fermentation was completed, the wines were fresh, fragrant and with an excellent structure.
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Pomontino 2021